Sunday, April 7, 2019

Chapter 7

Chapter 7, Cosmopolitanality.

In order to be a good Socialist, you must not be an Anarchist. Anarchism is not a correct alternative to Marxism. In fact not all Anarchists are Socialist. Demarchism is the cure to the insanity of Anarchism and the correct answer that is unrealized due to the folly of Marxism. But in this chapter I need to explain Cosmopolitanality otherwise Demarchism will have no context to either Trade or Socialism.

Cosmopolitanality is the Social Politic where the Cosmopolitan understands he or she exists in a world of the other. The other may have differing social norms, religiosity, sexual orientation, it is the duty of the Cosmopolitan to co-exist with the other, and be part of their world to the extent that unity and alliance and cooperation requires. Cosmopolitanal values are worldwide values, Cosmopolitaniality should not be confused with Corporatism or Globalism. Cosmopolitaniality is apposed to BOTH Marxism and Free Enterprise.
Cosmopolitanality is NOT Communism.
Cosmopolitanality is NOT Capitalism.
It would make no sense to say Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals require National Cultural Autonomy. But orientation in the context of religiosity as well as in the context of sexuality requires a level of autonomy, this autonomy is Cosmopolitanality.  Cosmopolitanality is the Human Autonomy of all human groups and it exceeds borders. Cosmopolitanality is not something that can be granted through legislation. Cosmopolitanal law is needed right now, today. This is necessary to bring about Socialism. Overall any true Cosmopolitan knows how to express Cosmopolitanality, this worldwide tendency of Demarchism in advocacy for Cosmopolitanality refuses to let Corporatism win the heart of humanity. All observers of Cosmopolitanality due to his or her moral conviction exposes the hypocrisy of Globalism.True freedom is liberty. True liberty is autonomy. The average Cosmopolitan needs to be freed from the bounds of borders. Cosmopolitanal law is the execution of this Social Politic, many of us utilize this without even realizing it. It occurs to me that I can not go further into the necessity of Cosmopolitanal law without going into the subjects that have given rise to it.

First I must go on a tangent on how incorrect Marxian language is.

According to Vladimir Lenin the higher stage of Capitalism is Imperialism. I wonder sometimes why Marxists use such misleading language. The higher stage of Capitalism is Corporatism. Imperialism has existed many times throughout history long before there ever was Capitalism. Socialism existed in past epics but Capitalism never truly existed in the past epics, so referring to Imperialism as a higher stage of Capitalism is misleading. I do not know of any Marxists who theorize an even higher stage of Corporatism (the stage of Capitalism that the Marxists call Imperialism) even though it is evident that there is a higher stage of Corporatism. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini probably coined the word Corporatism on purpose because he understood the treachery he was doing. However what he coined as Corporatism would be better defined as Corporate Nationalism. Corporate Nationalism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labor, military, scientific, or guild associations on the basis of their common interests. This means that Corporate Nationalism is class collaboration in a totalitarian manifestation.

I just realized I have to now interrupt my tangent interruption with another tangent interruption. 

I am going to first explain the difference between the Old World and the New World.
I do this as a Old World person, so understand that those indigenous to the New World do not consider themselves of a New World. The Old World is Africa, Asia and Europe. The New World is the Americas ( North, Central and South America ) and Oceania ( Australia continent ). So now that you know this, you can understand that the Old World Order was the Roman Empire. The New World Order is Americanism. Americanism is a form of Corporatism, not all Corporatism has become Globalism. You will need to remember this during this tangent interruption of a tangent interruption, you will need to still remember this once I return you to that prime tangent interruption.

One of the most dangerous trends that has come upon society as an infection is Libertarianism.

Americanism is not just a manifestation of Corporatism. Americanism is also a manifestation of Libertarianism. There are five key features evident to the ideology of Americanism.

#1 The necessity of constant reinvention, attempting to strip away correct identity in favor of false identity. Assimilation is the highest fundamental to Americanists. Americanism requires that all Cultures that come ashore to its frontiers is absorbed by joining into a melting pot that robs organic collectives of their once unique traditions.

#2 Making an aggressive attempt to replace the profoundness of Religion with the meaningless dry amoral attitude of Spirituality. Religion is a barrier to Colonialism, keeping the settler Colonial-Status Quo protected from religious dissent is essential to Americanism.

#3 Anti-Catholicism which in this Century is now Islamophobia. The Catholic Religion stands in contradiction to Freemasonry and Protestantism. The Catholic Religion stands in even greater contradiction to Mormonism which is Americanist Spirituality done in the name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Today this Anti-Catholicism has transformed into Islamophobia. Mormonism is a dangerous force that if left unchallenged will inevitably take over the United States of America. The Corporate National Americanist Party could eventually take over the United States of America rather easily, of course if this happens then Americanism will go from Libertarian to Totalitarian, which is the logical conclusion for Americanism. My own painstaking research has led me to the conclusion that half of the National Security Administration is Mormon. It is not too far fetched to believe that through intense manipulation of the Mormons which control the National Security Administration, that the Corporate National Americanist Party could rise as a third Party and overtake the entire Country. Although the Corporate National Americanist Party has never registered as a political party, they may decide that they want to register as a political party that comes as an alternative to the corrupt two party system. With a greater desperation in the United States of America due to any sort of economic crisis it becomes more and more likely that the Corporate National Americanist Party will take over the United States of America.

#4 Americanism is Nationalism. The problem with Nationalism is that it fuses the Nation together with the State. The United States of America since its founding regarded it self as a Nation, with the Hegelian notion of Nationalism, Americanism went from Republicanism to Nationalism. All marginalized Nations imprisoned within the United States thus become oppressed more than before. 

#5 Individual pleasure at the expense of collective misery. Americanists love their Apple Pie, Base Ball and Hot Dogs. Individualism destroys the Individual yet it is Collectivism that protects the Individual. Americanism started with William Bradford. The narrative of continuity that starts with Plymouth Rock continuing all the way to Manifest Destiny which is further synthesized by the narrative coming out of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints promotes the Individual right over other Individuals as divine, just and righteous is at the root of Planet Malfunction (Climate Change). All destruction of the truly marginalized in society can be justified by this hyper-individualistic faith in "the self made man" and "doing your own thing" being that this is ordained in such a "Holy Church" of Base Ball where they all sing the hymn of Take Me Out to the Ball Game how is it that America can ever fix it self? The answer is that as long as there is an America, the Earth will be destroyed. Americanism is much to anti-Collectivist to ever allow the Planet to be reforestized. Constitutionalism will inevitably die, because you can not have America without Americanism.     

Feminism is a manifestation of Libertarianism. Feminism maintains the fallacious position that societies prioritize the male point of view, and that females are treated unfairly within all societies. Feminism is also the Modern reinvention of Matriarchy. Feminism is the most profound manifestation of the reactionary movements that make up the broader category of Libertarianism. The suffragists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were some of the most profoundly racist women to have ever lived, it was the White Women with the aid of the Ku Klux Klan that started Feminism to ensure White Women's Rights. Then you have the Neocolonialist idea of Black Feminism which I find to have been one of the weaknesses of the Black Panther Party, a weakness that COINTELPRO surely would have used and probably did. One of the most important properties in Feminism is an agenda for demasculinization of Society. Feminists have always claimed that they want equality, which has never historically been shown. Historically speaking Feminism is about disempowering Men, nothing about this has ever changed.   

Anarchism is a manifestation of Libertarianism.

If any of the Anarchists read this they are going to hate me more than they already do. I do not care, I am going to unload reason before I die, so they will either have to ignore me or just deal with how much more I grasp material history than them. A reasonable principled Socialist does not join in the populist whims of claiming that "Anarchy is Order" such statements expose the typical insanity of Libertarian metaphysics. Be warned that what I am referring to has nothing to do with left wing or right wing nor does this have anything to do with centrism.

Totalitarianism is extreme Statism. Libertarianism is extreme individuality to the point of apathy. Libertarianism has been seen before and this is actually what leads to Totalitarianism. Libertarianism allows a individual the freedom to crush another individual's autonomy.

There are many manifestations of Libertarianism. The manifestation of Libertarianism which is most recognized (for what it is) as Libertarianism is Anarchism.

There are four versions of Anarchism, they are: 

#1 Mutualism 
Mutualism was the first of the Anarchist theories, this theory is Capitalism in denial. Mutualism was founded by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon a famous antisemitic troublemaker. Charles Maurras another very well known antisemitic troublemaker drew inspiration from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was much worse than Karl Marx in his hatred of the Jews. On the date of December 26, 1847 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon wrote in his Journal:

Jews. Write an article against this race that poisons everything by sticking its nose into everything without ever mixing with any other people. Demand its expulsion from France with the exception of those individuals married to French women. Abolish synagogues and not admit them to any employment. Demand its expulsion Finally, pursue the abolition of this religion. It’s not without cause that the Christians called them deicides. The Jew is the enemy of humankind. They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated. H. Heine, A. Weill, and others are nothing but secret spies ; Rothschild, Crémieux, Marx, Fould, wicked, bilious, envious, bitter, etc. etc. beings who hate us. The Jew must disappear by steel or by fusion or by expulsion. Tolerate the elderly who no longer have children. Work to be done – What the peoples of the Middle Ages hated instinctively I hate upon reflection and irrevocably. The hatred of the Jew like the hatred of the English should be our first article of political faith. Moreover, the abolition of Judaism will come with the abolition of other religions. Begin by not allocating funds to the clergy and leaving this to religious offerings. – And then, a short while later, abolish the religion.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a pure Idealist his ideas seem to be rooted in Metaphysics not Science. Antisemitism is part of Anarchism, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon himself paved the way for Corporate Nationalism and the Fascist trends. 

#2 Collectivist anarchism
Collectivist anarchism, the second theory of Anarchism was started by Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin. Mikhail Bakunin was also an antisemitic troublemaker, he even considered Karl Marx to be a Moses of his time. Mikhail Bakunin also considered Marxism to be the Jewish counter-revolutionary force holding back Anarchism. Mikhail Bakunin believed that Jewish hegemony over banking and finance was at the root of the modern ills. No such Jewish hegemony existed, Mikhail Bakunin was not one for facts. Facts mean very little to Anarchists, Mikhail Bakunin is a great example of this.

#3 Anarcho Communism
Anarcho Communism sometimes known as Anarcho Syndicalism is the third Anarchist theory. Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin was the originator of Anarcho Communism. Pyotr Kropotkin was a class collaborator and he had a serious problem with Marxists. It is correct to oppose Marxism, but this must be done without lying. Anarcho Communists themselves have no ability to oppose Marxism honestly. The need for Demarchism is most profound when you see just how dishonest Anarcho Communists are as people.  

#4 Anarcho Capitalism
Anarcho Capitalism sometimes known as Voluntaryism is the fourth Anarchist theory. There is no actual main founder of this insane theory of utopianism. In an Anarcho Capitalist society, courts  and law enforcement, along with all other security services would be operated by privately funded competitors selected by consumers rather than centrally through "confiscatory" taxation. This living hell would somehow not be a hell because of a universally held doctrine that the Anarcho Capitalists believe in called the Non-Aggressive Principle. The Non-Aggressive Principle is a utopian stance asserting that aggression is inherently wrong. In this context, aggression is defined as initiating or threatening any forceful interference with an individual or their property. Ironically the Non-Aggressive Principle is very Pro-Exploitative. The Non-Aggressive Principle promotes the use of violence against workers that strike against bosses, viewing strikes as Aggression.

Republicanism is a manifestation of Libertarianism. Republicanism is the plutocratic ideology which stands in contrast to Monarchism. Having a Republic as a form of Government does not necessarily mean Republicanism. Republicanism is the ideology of Representative Republic. Republicanism is an aggressive form of Statism that by design is against Democracy. A functioning Democratic Republic does not run on Republicanism. Plutocrats are inherently Libertarian because they understand that Monarchy is a Totalitarian threat to their wealth and influence over society. Democratic Republics contradict Republicanism because Democratic Republic is the only correct transition from Representative Republic to Direct Democracy. Direct Democracy is inherently anti-Libertarian and anti-Totalitarian. Direct Democracy can only be Authoritarian. Republicanism like Communism lacks the capacity to distinguish between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism.    

Minarchism is a manifestation of Libertarianism. Minarchism is a ideology which advocates individual liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom (Capitalism). The best example of this Oligarchic notion is the Confederate States of America. Minarchism is a utopian notion, more so than even Anarchism. Minarchism is dependent on a mix of Colonialism and Free Enterprise. The oppression of such a foolish ideology would be so overt that it would never sustain itself in this Century. 

Secularism is a manifestation of Libertarianism. Core beliefs of Secularists include new ideas—which depart from tradition. Secularism seeks to "liberate" everyone from religion. This is because the Church was seen as so tyrannical in Europe that it is only "logical" to assume the same is true for the Orthodox Churches and the Muslims. Indeed Muslims and the Eastern Churches must be even more tyrannical because they are not White. Secularism is part of Whiteness, it is one of the most fundamental dangers threatening all of Society. When the Non-Whites embrace Secularism this causes Neocolonialism to flourish.

The other main infection that has come upon society is Totalitarianism.

Zionism is not just a manifestation of Neocolonialism. Zionism is also a manifestation of Totalitarianism. There are five key features evident to the ideology of Zionism. There are also two other sub features of Zionism that bring contradiction to Zionism.

Humanism is a manifestation of Totalitarianism. Unfortunately too many stupid people seem to think Humanism refers to the ideals that promote the needs of Humanity, this is an incorrect assessment. Humanism is a early Totalitarian philosophy and practice that focuses on anti-humanitarian chauvinism and cultural genocidal assimilation. Humanism rejects both Humanitarianism and Environmentalism, Humanists tend to have what is called a Holier-than-thou expression of self-righteousness. Humanism is an outlook attaching prime importance to human rather than sacred or environmental matters. Humanists are unified by their shared search for Human supremacy over anything sacred or environmental, they assume without any investigation that theology is a result of the search to leave truth and not obedience to orientation. Humanism has two fronts, one is Secular Humanism. Secular humanism is geared more towards Oligarchy and has built in qualities that are self destructive and is geared in the direction of Communism. The other is Religious humanism and it has the very precise purpose of distorting Organized Religion and leading others into the fallacies of Spirituality (Fascism). Religious humanism is fundamentally incompatible with religiosity.

Monarchism is a manifestation of Totalitarianism. Monarchism is the advocacy of the system of Monarchy or monarchical rule. A monarchist is an individual who supports this form of government independent of any specific monarch, whereas one who supports a particular monarch is a royalist. Conversely, the opposition to monarchical rule is referred to as Republicanism. Not every Kingdom can be referred to as a Monarchy because not every King or Queen historically can be considered a Monarch. Monarchism is a distortion of Sovereignty as is Republicanism. Both Totalitarianism and Libertarianism are the distortions of Sovereignty, however Monarchism is the most notorious manifestation of distorted Sovereignty thus Libertarianism is not always as suspect to most Socialists, this is a major yet common mistake.   

Corporate Nationalism
Corporate Nationalism is a manifestation of Totalitarianism. Corporate Nationalism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labor, military, scientific, or guild associations on the basis of their common interests. Corporate Nationalism is mostly based on the contracts of class collaboration between employers, managers and workers as the full body management of government. This is typically justified as allegedly acting as a managed society via social partners in collaboration to create economic policy through cooperation, consultation, negotiation, and compromise. This is where politics trumps economics but not in a way agreeable to Revolutionary Socialists. Corporate Nationalism is not the same thing as Fascism, although it can be said that many Corporate Nationalists consider themselves to be Fascists and that even more Fascists consider themselves to be Corporate Nationalists. The Corporate Nationalists used to refer to their ideology as Corporatism and many still do. But what the Marxist-Leninists call Imperialism is actual Corporatism. What is typically called Corporatism is actually Corporate Nationalism. Corporate Nationalism and Fascism are both manifestations of Spirituality, for this reason it can be hard to see the difference. To make it even worse a person can be both Corporate Nationalist as well as Fascist but this would be more rare, Benito Mussolini is the best example of someone who was both Corporate Nationalist as well as Fascist. Alceste De Ambris and Filippo Marinetti were both Fascists but they were not Corporate Nationalists. Corporate Nationalism is distorted-syndicalism in the form of Nationalism. When Corporate Nationalism is mixed with Fascism it becomes Libertarian instead of Totalitarian. The Libertarian Party (an American Political Party) is a Fascist Party and a Corporate Nationalist Party. Fascism like Corporate Nationalism is Totalitarian, but whenever Corporate Nationalism is mixed with Fascism it becomes Libertarian. Benito Mussolini was a Libertarian not a Totalitarian. This is because when Corporate Nationalism is mixed with Fascism it pollutes the Culture into fanatical Liberation Chauvinism and that Culture is founded upon such a strong Libertarian Nationalism that the Culture is so controlling over the population that they feel a very strong structure of Libertarian values of Spirituality and Secularism. Libertarian Nationalism becomes a Spiritually secular culture and this culture then maintains its libertarian emotionalism by having eternal enemies.

Fascism is a manifestation of Totalitarianism. Fascism is Spirituality for Hedonists. The first way to identify the true factors that make up the nature of Fascism is to ignore what Fascists describe as Fascism. Fascism is actually rooted in Anarchism. Alceste De Ambris and Filippo Marinetti both came from Anarchist formations. Fascism has no coherency except for Chauvinist Supremacy. In fact the only correct definition of Fascism is the Spirituality of Chauvinist Supremacy rooted in Idealism.

Nazism is a manifestation of Totalitarianism. Nazism is a better way of referring to the oxymoron which is National Socialism. Because there is nothing Socialist about National Socialism it is better to call National Socialism as Nazism. Nazism has five subscripts; Hitlerism, Strasserism, NazBol (National Bolshevism another oxymoron), Nazi Idealism (Reichism) and Neo-Nazism. Nazism is more incoherent than Fascism. Some Nazis try to blend Nazism with Fascism although this is not as likely as merging Corporate Nationalism with Fascism. Hitlerism is inspired by Americanism. Strasserism is inspired by Fascism. NazBol is inspired by Russian Communism under Stalin (more like the image of Stalin) with Hitlerism, this is why the NazBols are the most incoherent of the Nazis. Nazi Idealism is inspired by the Germanic Doctrine of Blood and Soil and Teutonic Mythic White Aryanism. Neo-Nazism is based on Hitlerism and Nazi Idealism. Nazism is Capitalism in denial.

I return you to the prime tangent interruption.

The USSR was Quasi Corporatist, Mao Zedong was correct when he implied this, sadly the Marxian words typically used are Socially Imperialist, he did this because he was a typical Marxist-Leninist. even though he was correct to point out just how bad the USSR became as a Quasi Corporatist country, he was wrong to ally himself with the United States of America. China has never recovered from the betrayal of Mao Zedong.

Currently the People's Republic of China is a Capitalist Country that has become Quasi Corporatist.

Mikhail Gorbachev destroyed the USSR with his retraction of aiding anti-Corporatist Countries, he broke off the Quasi Corporatism by opening up the World to Corporatism. The attempts by Mikhail Gorbachev end Soviet based Quasi Corporatism led to full blown Corporatism ending Socialism thus leading to the even higher Globalism to take the World over.

The collapse of the USSR was ensured by the Capitalist members of the Communist Party 

Today Russia is a Capitalist Country which is likely to go Semi Corporatist by aiding Countries that do not want to ally with Globalization, Americanization or Quasi Corporatization.

Mao Zedong was definitely onto something identifying his theory of Three Worlds.

The features of the First World are a Sovereign government. Whose sovereignty is not consistently in question.  (these governments almost always have double standard laws.) Mass consumption of leisure production, and huge money over production.

The Third World is the polar opposite of the First World.

Mao utterly failed to identify the Second World. The actual Second World is featured by nomadic diaspora nations. Some prime examples are the Kurds, the Romani Gypsies, the Jewish Nation and the Byzantine Catholic Nation. Notice how the second world is not officially recognized by Communists because the Second World actually consists of groups that exceed boarders.

Though the Kurdish Nation may end up losing its soul by siding with any corporate power in order to gain land – a desperate position they are in due to generations of oppression.

I also must offer the Fourth World, a world that Mao was too foolish to see. The Fourth World is featured by an ethnic group that has been robbed of its identity and usually their ancestral homeland. North American indigenous tribes that have been traditionally labeled as Indians (in the United States referred to as Native Americans, in Canada referred to as First Nations) Palestinians, and Mexicans. Mexicans are called Latino/Hispanic when they are actually native central Americans. So not only do fourth world nations suffer from actual genocide, they also suffer from systematic cultural genocide.

So with these four worlds correctly identified, we can see that the three worlds theory is utterly flawed, short sighted and the production of fantastical another hallucination of the drug we call Communism.

The first solution to the problems of Totalitarianism versus Libertarianism is the rejection of both of these two-dimensional abstract-notions in favor of the more dialectically material one, this being Authoritarianism. Libertarians to some extent pose a far greater threat to a functioning society than Totalitarians. Libertarians don't distinguish between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. To make this problem even worse, most Totalitarians don't recognize themselves to even be Totalitarian. One of the greatest offenders is George Orwell, he was a Libertarian Marxist. I don't have much to say about Libertarian Marxism except that it is a oxymoron, Marxism is a very Totalitarian ideology.  George Orwell had to have been an agent of British Counterintelligence from the start of his career all the way to his death. The reasons for this are evident, but I am going to point these reasons out anyway because most that read this chapter no doubt lack a functionally accurate dialectical language. George Orwell wrote a masterpiece of fiction titled 1984, this book clearly has a Joseph Stalin parody called Big Brother and a Leon Trotsky parody called Emmanuel Goldstein. In the book 1984 everyone who correctly dissents gets reeducated by the Ministry of Truth, this fictional time and place holds no similarities to the USSR whatsoever. The fictional time and place where Winston lives resembles the trends of the USA during the Army–McCarthy hearings. Even more than this, the fictional time and place where Winston lives resembles the trends of the USA in our time with George W. Bush as Big Brother and the Department of Homeland Security as the Ministry of Truth. Today we have Newspeak in America and the unspoken slogans are:

War Is Peace

Freedom Is Slavery

Ignorance Is Strength

these slogans bring us to the dangers of Doublethink. Confusing the words Authoritarian and Totalitarian together is part of the Newspeak. COINTELPRO is developing an ability to give Americans Doublethink by undermining their independence and autonomy and by creating an environment of constant fear through propaganda. The Communist Party in Russia during the time of Joseph Stalin was not doing this at all. I am not claiming that the USSR was not Totalitarian, it very much was, but there was no cohesion to this on the part of the Communist Party, it was the Russian masses themselves which collectively enforced Totalitarianism. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat was exactly as its namesake sujests, the Working Class and Peasantry ruled over the Capitalists. The one redeeming factor about Joseph Stalin's regime was that he was in line with what the People of Russia needed but he was also in line with the bigotries of the people of Russia. In those days there was a massive Anti-Cosmopolitanal consciousness which was rooted in a vengeful people lashing out at the marginalized religious minorities in Russia, dismissing them all as separatists via organized religion. Leon Trotsky would not have been any better, actually he would have been worse. Leon Trotsky synthesized Vladimir Lenin with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, this actually means that Trotskyism is true Marxism. Marxism-Leninism was the Revolutionary theory formulated by Joseph Stalin. Marxism-Leninism does not synthesize Vladimir Lenin with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism-Leninism reinterprets Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels through the dialectic of Vladimir Lenin according to the perception of Joseph Stalin's theoretical retroactive continuity. Many claim that Marxism-Leninism is destructive because of Joseph Stalin's theoretical retroactive continuity, ironically it is Joseph Stalin's theoretical retroactive continuity that gives Marxists a more accurately Socialist dialectically material in both theory and practice. Marxist-Leninists are better Marxists because they are more Socialist than they are Marxist, the less Marxist a Marxist is the more truly Socialist they tend to become. Trotskyism on the other hand is the purest version of Marxism thus making it counter-revolutionary. The Black Panther Party practiced National-Cultural Autonomy even though it is obvious that they did not recognize that this is what they were doing. Within the ideological framework of Marxism-Leninism is genuine dialectics, this is what gives us the ability to take Marxist-Leninists out of Marxism and into Demarchism. The Black Panther Party was not Totalitarian, it was Authoritarian. Demarchism is also not Totalitarian, it is likewise Authoritarian.

Cosmopolitanality is not Libertarian.
Cosmopolitanality is not Totalitarian.
Cosmopolitanality is a very organic Authoritarian component manifested in Society. 

I now return to the primary topic, I would disingenuously apologize for detours but that would be patronizing and wrong of me.  

Cosmopolitanality manifested organically as part of the evolution of collective humanity. It is unlikely that humanity ever had a full realization of Cosmopolitanality, the only reason that I recognize the merits of Cosmopolitanality myself is because it is repressed. Cosmopolitanality is not compatible with Polytheism or Atheism. On the matter of Polytheists and Polytheism; the problem is not Polytheists as people because even today there are those that actually believe that their is a multi-collective divinity, this does not necessarily mean that all Polytheists partake in Polytheism. Another factor is that not all systems considered to be Polytheism can truly be called Polytheism. Catholicism and Wicca both get accused of Polytheism, yet this is not accurate. Christianity and Wicca are both Trinitarian, this is not the same thing as Polytheism. Catholicism embraces prayers to Saints, this has led to the accusation that Catholicism is Polytheism, this is a misnomer. Catholicism makes a distinction between prayer and worship. Wicca in its true form is a duridic inspired religion. In the genuine form of Wicca there is the Goddess Trinity; Maiden, Mother and Crone. Just as the Catholics have Mother Mary as someone that intercedes the Wiccans have Lord Pan to intercede. The cultural genocidal war on Wicca has led to Charlatan Fashion Wicca. Fashion Wicca started with Gerald Brosseau Gardner, his rebranded Wicca has made honest research on the topic of Wicca near impossible. Those who still practice Orthodox Wicca usually call their intercessor Lord Pan, they do so because the original Celtic word is becoming forgotten, other names for him tend to be Lord Lucian or Lord Herne. Wiccans use to rely solely on an oral tradition, but in order to fight back against the ongoing cultural genocide they suffer with, some in the Orthodox Wiccan circles have begun writing down their traditions. Just as Catholics pray to Saints not worship, the Orthodox Wiccans pray to gods not worship. Hinduism is not polytheism either, it is a form of Pantheism, from the point of view of Hindus all is God and some being are more pure than others thus the misnomer of their many Gods. Actual Polytheism is reprehensible, yet to assume that all Polytheists are participants of Polytheism is incorrect. 

Perhaps I confuse the eager student. So let me break apart some of these barbaric attributions of divinity to pine cones.

The worship of Ares is the worship of war and bloodshed, slaughter and war crimes are therefore justifiable.

The worship of Athena is the idealization of wisdom and warfare. So you worship your own consciousness and its use in battle, therefore the atomic bomb is justifiable.

Zeus killed his own father, and is married to Hera --  his sister. He is also one of the least faithful husbands and also a rapist. 

Beyond these obvious examples, Polytheism is rampant with every debauchery known to man, and every depravity conceivable.  While a useful teaching tool for scholarly pursuits, ascribing godhood  to every facet of nature does little, if anything, to guide or teach human beings to seek any virtue worth pursuing. In fact, one could hardly call any of these practices performed by Polytheists as a religious one, as there are no codefined codes of conduct or righteousness, merely superstitious actions.

It is revealing that more and more polytheists have multi-divinity.  It is a mistake to assume every Polytheist engages in Polytheism. However, the question we must ask ourselves is, can we coexist with those who embrace such practices as Polytheism? The answer is unclear, but it is actually Atheism that must be destroyed. Atheists who embrace atheism are dangerous tyrants But first, let me dispel Agnosticism. Agnostics do not pose any threat as people. As for Agnosticism, this is not the threat it once was.

What use do Agnostics have for Agnosticism?  None!   It is a worthless philosophy.  How would one practice Agnosticism?   “Hi God! I don’t know if you’re there, and I can’t prove it, but I’m thinking about you!”

Atheism as a philosophy is antithetical to cosmopolitanality. One cannot coexist and cooperate with the very same other whose religion is being bashed and attacked by a malicious proselyte. Not believing in a divinity is very different from trying to destroy, disavow, and defame a religion. I want to be very clear that I am not saying religious institutions should be free of criticism. I have no reservations about people denying there is a divinity. I take issue with and don’t believe that militant Atheism and Atheists who try to destroy and subvert religions in general, have a right to exist. I posit that any form of Atheism is flawed and antagonistic.

If one rejects the idea of divinity, it is their own belief and does not require one to reject religion. After all, having a favorite object is a form of worship. The positions of believers, polytheists, agnostics and atheists are personal convictions based on one’s best logic and cannot be empirically verified. I am not an Atheist because of the foolish philosophy known as Atheism, I am an Atheist because I do not believe divinity exists, for myself the very notion is absurd. Equally absurd is Atheism, a philosophy that no genuine Atheist can accept.

An Atheist in a religious structure is nothing new and in of itself. But Atheism, being a construct of not believing unrestricted and not related to a religion, becomes a system and practice,  not merely a belief but an “ism”,  that deliberately tries to destroy and uproot religion. It Inherently is anti-religion and is not and should not be allowed to be considered a legitimate form of public practice.

Although Cosmopolitanality stresses recognizance of the other, it is not always tolerant. These things that are not tolerated are not based on any other metric or merit other than what is inherently detrimental to society and Cosmopolitanality. Some prime examples of detrimental actions and beliefs are the defense of or avocation for pedophilia, murder, serial killers, Atheism, exploitation of your fellows, and, of course, Secularism. These things are not to be judged except by Cosmopolitanal Laws.

Those students aiming for Secularism are seeking, in truth, an organic form of Cosmopolitanality, but only if their true motives are not guided or influenced by the "materialistic" corporate sham values, but actual recognition of the other.

It would be remiss to leave out Bohemia from this chapter. The first point I’d like to make is Bohemia and Cosmopolitans are definitely compatible, but to what degree will be a debate to come.  The second point I’d like to make is Bohemia, being a small place to forget societal norms completely, might be restricted to protected zones or have some kind of oversight.  It is not a debate I could participate in full, but one I must definitely bring up in this chapter.  Bohemia never lasts very long, but it never really goes away. Were I a Bohemian, this would be its own chapter, surely.

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