Chapter 5, Socialism in Context.
What is Socialism?
Socialism is the public social organizing of the economy under the collective control of the common people in society. Socialism is the social economy put into practice which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned by the common people as a whole.
Socialism is also the economic social regulator system for the fair uses of property.
When a person speaks of Socialism, what that person typically is referring to is Proletariat Socialism.
In our time we must reach Proletariat Socialism for the World economy or face global doom. Socialism has existed before. Proletariat Socialism is not the only manifestation of Socialism.
There is no linear continuity to map out a history of Socialism before it became self aware as the organic economy. There is no evolution to Socialism. Socialism is the natural economy of the People, it is the ethics driven economy and without it we shall parish.
Socialism is never Socialism without the practices coming from it, these two practices are, Unionism and Communitarianism.
Unionism is the use of the economic Union. The economic Union is the federated cooperative.
The federated cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. Unionism also means that a person merits what he or she does. Unionism in the context of Proletariat Socialism is the individual’s right to possess what he or she produced. Unionism has been a practice for Socialism long before the European usage of the word was coined.
Communitarianism is the social value that is characterized by emphasis on localized control.
Communitarianism in correct context is not as John Goodwyn Barmby implied. John Goodwyn Barmby may have coined the term Communitarian but the word it self must be understood by its structure. Communitarianism has been a practice for Socialism long before the European usage of the word was coined.
Socialism has existed long before the European usage of the word was coined. Socialism has been the economy of several different societies before the rise of collective consciousness for Proletariat Socialism took place within the rise of industry. It is necessary to explain historical Socialism.
From the most recent to then the most distant.
What is Proletariat Socialism?
Proletariat Socialism is the Socialism of our time, unfortunately Proletariat Socialism has been misdirected by Communists. Proletariat Socialism is the Socialism that can only be fought for by the Proletarian. The Proletarians are thought by many to be industrial workers, but actually a Proletarian is someone exploited by Capitalism and Secularism. Marxists would not object to the statement that a Proletarian is someone exploited by Capitalism. Marxists would however object to the statement that a Proletarian is someone exploited by Secularism. It really does not matter though, Marxists have always been crippled by the language of Capitalists and this controlled thinking makes it impossible for them to reason. The Cold War was not won because America was superior in strength. The reason that Capitalism won the Cold War was because Marxism holds to ideas that Capitalists can use against them. Marxists and Anarcho Communists both reject reality not because they are delusional, on the contrary they tend to be the most intellectual of anyone else. Marxists and Anarcho Communists reject reality because they are Communists. Proletariat Socialism is the public social organizing of the economy under the collective control of the common people in society. Proletariat Socialism is the social economy put into practice which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned by the common people as a whole. Proletariat Socialism is also the economic social regulator system for the fair uses of property. Proletariat Socialism is the push for the process that will lead to Direct Democracy, this most likely can not be done without repressing the Capitalist exploiters who own everything, literally everything. I can give Marxist examples of Proletariat Socialism but I would rather give Non-Marxist examples. Part of the difficulty others find in expressing the notion of Proletariat Socialism is that others tend to limit the definition of Proletariat to Working Class People. The Proletariat might be working class in some context but usually the correct context to Proletariat is the exploited. American Protestant Whites that make up the majority of the American working class are not exploited. Indigenous People in South America are exploited by American Corporations, those South American Natives are the Proletariat. The best Non-Marxist example of Proletariat Socialism in recent time is the Bolivarian Revolution of Hugo Chávez. Hugo Chávez may still be fighting off the Spanish Bourgeoisie but he has achieved Proletariat Socialism on a local level. Marxists criticize Hugo Chávez for having a Patriotic tone to his revolution, they ignore the Patriotic tones to Fidel Castro's revolution, Marxists will ignore anything to fit their own agenda. Proletariat Socialism is the Socialism of our time. Proletariat Socialism has been abused opportunistically, mishandled, misapplied and misdirected by the Communists. Socialists who understand Proletariat Struggle will ensure the victory of Socialism not Marxists aiming for the nightmare of Communism.
What is Theocratic Socialism?
The best example of Theocratic Socialism that can be studied from an academic point of view is the Mauryu Empire. Sadly due to the eurocentricity of most Western Academic public speakers this is overlooked. The true history of the Maurya Empire is overlooked because it had a successful Socialist economy and because it showed that Western civilization has never been as good as Eastern civilization. The Maurya Empire was a geographically-extensive Iron Age historical power based in Magadha and founded by Chandragupta Maurya which dominated the Indian subcontinent between 322 and 187 BCE. Comprising the majority of South Asia, the Maurya Empire was centralized by the conquest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, and its capital city was located at Pataliputra (modern Patna). The empire was the largest political entity to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning over 5 million square kilometres (1.9 million square miles) at its zenith under Ashoka. One of the key components to the Theocratic Socialism of the Mauryu Empire was the wonderful Organized Religion of Jainism which became a vital force under the Mauryan Rule. Chandragupta and Samprati are credited for the spread of Jainism in South India. Hundreds of thousands of temples and stupas are said to have been erected during their reigns. It was the religious that made Socialism, it is still the religious that make Socialism. Theocratic Socialism is the public social organizing of the economy under the collective control of the common people in society - in the context of Theocracy. Theocratic Socialism is the social economy put into practice which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned by the common people as a whole - in the context of Theocracy. Theocracy has never ban other religions, the banning of religions has always been a secular notion. The Roman Catholic domination of Europe was not Theocracy. The Roman Catholic domination of Europe was European feudalism. It was not the religiosity of Roman Catholicism that caused this, it was illiteracy. Theocratic Socialism was never practiced in the terms of Proletariat versus Bourgeoisie. Theocratic Socialism never had to worry about Capitalism. Social equality is the foundation to every historical example of Theocratic Socialism. Theocratic Socialism has been known to exist in rebellion and not always as the authority. Christianity began as a Mystical Theocratic Socialist Rebellion against Rome.
Proletariat Socialism fights against Capitalism and Secularism.
Theocratic Socialism always fought against Empire and Polytheism.
What is Tribal Socialism?
The best example of Tribal Socialism that can be studied from an academic point of view is the economy of the Iroquois. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels called this Primitive communism. Although I object to the term Primitive communism and find it to be of derogatory usage, it is interesting that even Marx and Engels held to this same notion of Tribal Socialism. One of the major issues however with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is their consistent misuse of words. Tribal Socialism is the public social organizing of the economy under the collective control of the common people in society - in tribal context. This is the oldest version of Socialism. Understanding that Communists may actually hate this book with a deep irrational passion, I will do my best to explain what should be evident, that is I will attempt to explain the already evident reason why the economy of the Iroquois was Tribal Socialism and not the fictional primitive communism invented by Marx and Engels. Because what I shall explain is already evident, my explanation will be brief.
Tribal Socialism is tribal and this is inherently NOT COMMUNIST.
Tribal Socialism is the economy that regulates an entire group in the practice of exclusive collective kinship, this form of economy does not expand beyond the group it is intended for.
Communism is eurocentric-populist assimilation in the form of anti-sovereign economy that removes differences in culture, political opinion, ethnicity and religiosity whether people want it or not.
Marxists can not be offended by a proper definition of Communism, they can only panic because as time progresses, less and less Socialists will agree to buy into their fantasy of Communism. The tribal life of the Iroquois was obviously Socialism likewise it is obvious that the tribal life of the Iroquois was never Communism. Tribal life is in contradiction to commune life. Those who ignore the histories of Tribal Socialism loose credibility as time progresses.
Tribal Socialism, Theocratic Socialism and Proletariat Socialism all had the two practices of Unionism and Communitarianism.
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